Working together since 2019 with proven results over 4 years, we have helped 37 low-income and diverse adults launch their tech careers.
- Life-changing economic mobility: from$18,956 to $96,034 annual salary
- 100% From communities of color
- 70% Black and/ or Hispanic
- 48% Women or Non-binary
- 31% Do not have a Bachelor’s Degree

Our partnership removes barriers for new talent while meeting the talent demands of Citi’s existing analyst program. Working together, we removed the college degree requirement for the Citi Summer Analyst program. Additionally, a unique “prep year” was designed for our talented non-college candidates who do not return for their senior year of college.
This groundbreaking partnership creates a new career pathway for nontraditional talent at Citi. It is an industry-leading model that propels talent through a primary career track rather than a backdoor way with limited advancement.
Pursuit-Citi Fellows are working across 3 locations and multiple lines of business
One of largest contributors to Citi’s Analyst diversity goals
2019 to 2022: 76% retention over 4 years