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Things to do before attending our workshop


As one of the most important steps in the selection process, the Pursuit JavaScript Workshop is an opportunity to interact with other Fellowship candidates and Pursuit Volunteers as well as get a taste of what it means to be a Pursuit Fellow!

You’ll learn coding fundamentals and interact with other candidates and volunteers joining us from across the tech industry, many of them work with us to get our Fellows jobs. They may be your next colleagues and employers!

Once the workshop’s done, you and several other applicants will join together for a small group Perseverance Panel, where applicants will be asked a few questions to get a better understanding of who you all are.

Both the workshop and panel are key to the Pursuit Selection process as they are evaluation milestones reviewing fundamental Fellow characteristics like punctuality, participation, teamwork, grit, and determination to succeed.

Make sure to be on time, be an active participant, and be ready to show us who you are!


Read carefully for the things you must do before attending:

Register for a workshop through the invitation link you received in your email. Register as soon as possible as the spots for each date are limited. If a workshop date reaches capacity, you will only be able to attend the following workshop.

Please register on Eventbrite using the exact name and email you used on your application.


The pre-work for the Workshop consists of three courses on, which should take you no longer than one hour to complete and will introduce you to some important fundamentals of software engineering.

The completion of these three activities is mandatory for Workshop participation, as there will be group discussions and activities for which you will need to have completed the pre-work to be successful.

Step 1 – Create a account using this link (CLICK HERE)

Step 2 – After you've created your account, dedicate at least one hour to completing the first three courses under Introduction to Algorithms: 1. Building Blocks course:

- Pseudocode

- Conditional Algorithms

- Repetition

Be sure to complete these activities no later than one day before the start of your Workshop, taking notes as needed. Keep in mind that you will be discussing the pre-work with other applicants in the classroom setting.



Be respectful. We value communication and professionalism, so make sure to keep your contributions relevant and be considerate of your instructor and other participants. Arguing with someone about their perspective is not productive. Instead, say you have a different perspective or different experience, which extends the conversation rather than shutting it down.

Be timely! Though your active engagement will foster dynamic interactions and enhance the collective learning experience, we also want to be respectful of each other’s time and request you keep your answers to the required time.

Be an active participant. We value your thoughts and perspectives. When there are opportunities for comments or questions, kindly take the initiative to share your insights, raise relevant points, or seek clarification on any topic discussed. Your active engagement will foster dynamic interactions and enhance the collective learning experience.

Be a team player. During the workshop, you will have a challenge you will complete with other candidates, and at the panel, you will be a part of a live group discussion. We will assess your aptitude for working and learning collaboratively as part of a team.


Selection Events Policy:

Attendance at the workshop (and all selection events) is very important. With that in mind, we ask that all applicants be accountable for their availability.

The workshop will begin promptly at the time indicated in your registration. Latecomers will NOT be permitted to attend the day's activity, so be sure to be on time!

Light snacks and beverages will be provided throughout the event.

If you are unable to attend, please contact as soon as possible, so we can make the necessary adjustments.

We can't wait to meet you!

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